For Admission and Support Inquiries Please call this Number 255 773822403 or 255 654 771793 or 255 776282215

   2024/2025 Application for Masters Degree - Currently : September Intake Round 2Open - Deadline: 21-Sep-2024

Help & Support Contacts Information
  • For Admission and Support Inquiries Please call this Number 255 773822403 or 255 654 771793 or 255 776282215

Other Help & Support Documents

Step 1: Admission Procedures


Make sure you read the admission requirements carefully before you Apply.

  • Applicants are required to apply direct through Online Student Information Management (OSIM) System of the Abdulrahman Al-Sumait University (SUMAIT) available from the University Website or visit Admission office at SUMAIT Chukwani Zanzibar for more assistance.
  • Each Applicant must pay a non-refundable Application Fee Tsh. 30,000/=. All Payment should be paid through PBZ Islamic Bank Account 0710412000 SUMAIT UNIVERSITY.
  • The bank receipt has to be uploaded manually to the admission system.
  • For more Information Contact us through:

Mobile: +255 654 771793, +255 776 282215, +255 676 666 018 or +255 773094946


Step 2: Admission Requirements


Programme: Master of Arts in Sharia and Islamic Jurisprudence


Requirements: Bachelor of Islamic Sharia, Bachelor of Islamic studies with education, Bachelor of Arts with Education Islamic studies or Arabic Bachelor of Islamic Sharia and Law with a minimum GPA of 2.7 or its equivalence with a good command of both Arabic and English languages.


Duration: 2 Years

Go to Step Two
Basic Information
NB: All Information to be entered must be valid and From your Education Certificates
* Means Mandatory/Required Fields.
Index No format: S0123/0012/2009 or P0123/0012/2009 . e.g S0200/0004/2010
Secondary Education*
Form IV Index No/Equivalent*
In case of Multiple Sittings Use the Lastest Index Number

Country/Region of your citizenship*
Current Nationality
Login Information
Remember your Email Address and Password. They are needed for Login to the system to finish Applying
Email Address*
Email Address Confirm*
Active Phone No*
Password Confirm*

For Admission and Support Inquiries Please call this Number 255 773822403 or 255 654 771793 or 255 776282215

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