For Admission and Support Inquiries Please call this Number 255 773822403 or 255 654 771793 or 255 776282215

   2024/2025 Application for Ordinary Diploma - Currently : Closed! - Deadline: 19-Sep-2024

Help & Support Contacts Information
  • For Admission and Support Inquiries Please call this Number 255 773822403 or 255 654 771793 or 255 776282215

Other Help & Support Documents

Step 1: Admission Procedures

Make sure you read the admission requirements carefully before you Apply.

  • Applicants are required to apply direct through Online Student Information Management (OSIM) System of the Abdulrahman Al-Sumait University (SUMAIT) available from the University Website or visit Admission office at SUMAIT Chukwani Zanzibar for more assistance.
  • Each Applicant must pay a non-refundable Application Fee Tsh. 10,000/=. All Payment should be paid through PBZ Islamic Bank Account 0710412000 SUMAIT UNIVERSITY.
  • The bank receipt has to be uploaded manually to the admission system.
  • For more Information Contact us through:

Mobile: +255 654 771793, +255 776282215, +255 773 822 403 OR +255 676 666 018


Step 2: Admission Requirements

Programme: Ordinary diploma in Office Administration

Requirements: Applicants should have an NTA Level 4 in Office Administration or equivalent Secretarial qualification OR Form VI with at least one Principal and a subsidiary pass excluding religious subjects.

Duration: 2 Years


Programme: Ordinary diploma in Counselling Psychology

Requirements: Applicants should have an NTA Level 4 in Counseling Psychology and related Fields OR Form VI with at least one Principal and one subsidiary pass excluding religious subjects.

Duration: 2 Years

Go to Step Two
Application Category is Currently Closed.
Opening Date will be opened..

For Admission and Support Inquiries Please call this Number 255 773822403 or 255 654 771793 or 255 776282215

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